Advert with a finger-wagging old lady and magic confectionery…

This latest search is for an advert that several of our readers have recalled, apparently from the mid-80s, for some sort of confectionery – either sweets, chocolate or bubblegum though we’re not certain which. The advert has been described as follows:

“The advert had some finger-wagging old bat scolding some little kid… she took a bite out of this confectionery that the kid had on him, whereupon its magical powers of zaniness sped up the old bat’s voice, lifted her into the air and hauled her off, still finger-wagging and screeching, into the wild blue yonder, and the kid grinned to the camera.”

Although a UK reader first brought this ad to our attention, a US-based visitor to the blog claimed to have seen this advert as well – it was not often that commercials were screened on both sides of the Atlantic, although it’s not out of the question that similar commercials may have been made in both countries, perhaps for an international product.

It is not certain as yet what type of confectionery the advert was for – Hubba Bubba was suggested, though a YouTube search has revealed no adverts matching this description yet. Refreshers is also a candidate, given the similarities to this animated Refreshers ad from the early 80s:

While the advert our readers recall was live action rather than animated, it’s quite possible it could have been a live action ad building on the earlier animated commercial for the same product.

It has also been suggested that this elusive clip featuring a woman and boy at a swimming pool seen on TV around the same time could have been an advert from the same series.

Does anyone have any recollection of this advert, or know where we can find it? If so, please post in the comments below or email us to solve the mystery!

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